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Updates & Jnr Draw 24/07

JUNIOR COMPETITION The Junior competition is back in full swing. With the draw and teams list below. A reminder that only registered players are allowed to participate, and non-players attending the stadium must sign in. If your child is playing in one time slot but attending other time slots, they must sign in for the time slots where they are not playing. ** Please note the reminders below ** If you are interested in playing please Join the Junior Competition

Junior Registration fees are:

  • $80 season fee

  • Basketball Queensland fee (if Due) $65.77

  • no junior game fees

  • $2 game fee - for any game played on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights.

Coaches Needed If you are able to assist by coaching, please email we are in need of coaches for several of our teams. All coaches that are coaching teams not including their own children require a Blue Card. Volunteers Due to the COVID restrictions we need volunteers to help with bio-safety measures. We need volunteers to assist in areas as biosafety officers and sanitising equipment between games. If you are able to assist in any areas, please email to let us know how you can help. All volunteers also need to register as a volunteer Register as a volunteer/Referee AussieHoops AussieHoops (for 5-10 year olds) is also starting on Friday the 17th at 4pm. anyone interested in participating in AussieHoops needs to register from our Website.   COVIDSafe app To assist with record keeping, it is highly recommended all people coming to basketball have the COVIDSafe app on their phone and running. In the remote chance there is an issue, it will make tracing much easier.  JUST A FEW REMINDERS PLEASE:

  • You can only enter the venue 10 minutes prior to your allocated game time – This refers to all players, referees and spectators

  • You must leave the venue 10 minutes after your game has finished

  • Doors will be closed at the commencement of every game and reopened 10 minutes before the next game

  • You must sign in every time you enter the venue, either with the QR code or manually on the sheet provided. This pertains to all attendees except registered players do NOT need to sign in

  • There are sign in points at the base of the ramp, along the ramp and at the front counter

  • It is recommended only immediate family attend

  • SANITISE, SANITISE, SANITISE. Everyone MUST sanitise before entering the venue

  • Please sit in the designated seats only in the stadium area. This adheres to the 1.5mtr social distancing rules

  • To proceed to the outdoor courts please follow the green arrows and use the first door & ramp at the base of the indoor stairs

  • To re-enter the stadium to use the amenities, canteen or exit the venue please use the door and steps at the courts 3 and 4 entry point. Follow the red arrows and the steps between the white seats marked exit


  • Please sanitise the players benches before you leave the court


  • Please sanitise the ball used for the game you refereed


  • Please sanitise the iPad and scoreboard

  • Please complete the COVID-19 Biosafety checklist on your score bench

Thank you to everyone for your assistance in keeping our sporting community and venue COVID safe Junior Draw

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