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Reminders & Jnr Draw 28/02

Tuesday Afternoon Training Training for all Junior players has recommenced on Tuesday afternoons. The session runs from 4pm to 5pm and is run by Bundy Bulls player Isaiah Richardson, with help from several other coaches. This is a terrific way for players to raise their skill level and Basketball Qld Fee - Renewals Automatic reminders have been sent to players whose BQ fees are now due/overdue. This is a reminder that if these fees are not paid your child cannot take to the court on a Friday night. This will be enforced this Friday. If fees still remain unpaid and your child is in a Rep team they will not be allowed to play at the upcoming CQJBC.

Rep parents have agreed to have all fees paid as required as per the signed handbook given out at the start of the season. Please don't make extra work for your team manager and committee making them have to chase your fees!

Junior Team Lists

Check the team lists here

Junior & Senior Draws

The draws for the entire season can be found on our website.

Select draws from the menu or click here

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3 Flint Street  Bundaberg Qld 4670

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